From the Furthest Edge to the Deepest Middle

In my role as Community Building Intern at Mozilla this summer, my goal has been to be explicit about how community building works so that people both internal and external to Mozilla can better understand and build upon this knowledge. This requires one of my favorite talents: connecting what emerges and making it a thing. …

Mozilla CBT Build Principles

Making implicit information explicit allows us to grow. We are able to recognize and add to something that works well, while focusing less on what doesn’t work well. Being explicit allows us to talk about something we do and/or experience – it allows this information to be shared and understood by others. When we focus …

Exploring Contributor Motivation

Why does understanding motivation for open source matter? This allows community builders to design more fulfilling experiences for contributors. It allows a contributor to be recognized in way he or she prefers. It allows community builders to advocate for projects that would be exciting to contributors. The challenge of studying motivation (and thus recognition) is …

Community Lessons from LEGO (and other thoughts on community)

Communities form when you find a group of people that you feel you can be yourself around. In this environment, you don’t have to self-edit as much to fit in. You get the feeling that these people share a similar view of the world in some way. Communities form when the answer to, “are they …

Why Do People Join and Stay Part Of a Community (and How to Support Them)

[This post is inspired by notes from a talk by Douglas Atkin (currently at AirBnB) about his work with cults, brands and community.] We all go through life feeling like we are different. When you find people that are different the same way you are, that’s when you decide to join. As humans, we each …